[BOOK|EPUB] Nights Landing

Dating > Nights Landing

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From this image, we can see about 9. This die size comes in over what we were expecting, but comes about the route of the first gen, Knights Corner, at least. This Lamding come down to the wobbly metric of 10. As you might expect, due to the differences we end up with the same die on different packages — one as a processor top and one as a co-processor which uses an internal connector for both data and Omnipath. If we look into the side, the headspreader clearly does not go down onto the package all the way around, in order to deal with the on-package memory. The connector end of the co-processor has an additional chip under the heatspreader, which Nights Landing most likely an Intel Omni-Path connector or a fabric adaptor for adjustable designs. The rear of the processor is essentially the same for both. I can imagine seeing one of the future variants of this in a half-width 1U blade with all six Nights Landing and two add-in boards, pretty easily. The socket was fairly elaborate, and Nihhts would come across that Intel has a high specification on specific pressure for heatsinks. A availability of Knights Landing, we were told that Intel has made sales for installs in Q4, but commercial availability will be in Q1. Unfortunately they had a plastic screen in front, which distorts the images. Let alone dealing with the bugs in Intels driver e. Einstein Home still doesn't work on Skylake at all.

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