[BOOK|EPUB] KS3 Maths Textbook 1

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I am home educating my daughter who would be in Year 8 if she was at school. She was at school for Year 7 and the first half-term of Year 8, so she has KS3 Maths Textbook 1 some physics. When I started to home educate her last October, she said that she did not want to do any science much to my relief! However, she has now changed her mind KS3 Maths Textbook 1 wants to keep up with physics. She was in the top 5 in her year for science at school, so she does need something challenging. Now I am a absolute dunce at the subject, so what we need is a book that we can both understand and preferably one for which an answer book can be bought. We prefer books that have clear explanations to those which have lots of pretty pictures. I am home educating my daughter who would be in Year 8 if she was at school. She was at school for Year 7 and the first half-term of Year 8, so she has done some physics. When I started to home educate her last October, she said that she did not want to do any science much to my relief! However, she has now changed her mind and wants to keep up with physics. She was in the top 5 in her year for science at school, so she does need something challenging. Now I am a absolute dunce at the subject, so what we need is a book that we can both understand and preferably one for which an answer book can be bought. We prefer books that have clear explanations to those which have lots of pretty pictures. Many thanks Most key stage 3 textbooks are science books rather than just physics. If you are not following the national curriculum for science why not use the Dorling Kingsley books on a physics topic your daughter is interested in. They have lots of pictures and interesting facts. Some have suggestions for experiments to try at home and web site links. There is usually a good range of these in most public libraries. I would suggest 'Physics for You' by Keith Johnson. There is a a 2011 version on Amazon, although we have olver editions in school. It has questions at the end of chapters too, however, I don't think the answers are included. They should be on the exam board website along with mark schemes. The other two have 'stand alone' Physics exams but of one of them and I can't remember which my colleague said he '. It was old fashioned, a little uninspiring and possibly out of date.

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